Which is better

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I sent the email to CMG. Waiting for reply.


Cris AND me have tested this game thoroughly, and it is thus bug free.
Due to the popular demand of this game, the hacking detection has been disabled though, because of bugs. This is due to me wanting an earlier release. I am going to contact CMG(CrazyMonkeyGames) now and see what they offer me.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I am done!

I have just completed the Talk with Drkgodz section and the tutorial. I am going to take 1 or 2 days to go over the game to make sure there are obsolutely no bugs. The tutorial covers:
How to Move
How to Jump
Where to buy Potions
A brief description of each skills
A brief description of each potion
The Default keys of all the skills.
The Defualt keys of all potions.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Very VERY Close

I have just finished the credits. (It is cooler this time :D)
I just need to add an in game tutorial, finish the Chat with Drkgodz section, and then the game is done!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Big Update ! :D

The Custom Controls function are done, and support:
White Potion
Sorcerer Elixir
Speed Pill
Magic Guard
Magic Claw
Energy Bolt
Fire Arrow
Magic Composition

The mouse is also done now!

Friday, February 22, 2008


My beta tester came online these past few days. He has tested alot, and I have fixed many bugs. My hack detection is better than ever, and it is bug free. I am going to add the finalization of Custom Controls tomorrow, and the mouse.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Menu Updates!
Credits are kinda done.
I am working on a change(custom) control function.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Logo is done!

Yep, I created a perfect logo. Now I am going to work on the menu. After the menu, I am going to do one final run through of the game for bugs, add some last second things, and then imma contact CrazyMonkeyGames for sponsorship information. After that, it's pretty much up to CMG how long it's gonna take to be released.

Hacking Protection Updates

I have added around 10 protections. One includes disabling any flash from being loaded onto the layer above the current swf. =/

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Going to sleep

I am too tired to work on the logo. I can't think of ideas. g'night.

Getting Close!

-Add More jokes

-Add custom controls
-Add Arcade mode for downloadable version

-Change Mouse

-Create a logo
-Add hacker protection
-Get Sponsor

Only a few more left. :)

Changing mouse is easy, so is adding more jokes. Right now I am working on a logo. Peace~

Update(More on the To Do List)

-Add Menu
-Add More jokes
-Add Sounds(Pills/Pots)

-Make Balrog follow when aggrivated
-Add custom controls
-Add Arcade mode for downloadable version

-Change Mouse
-Create a logo
-Add hacker protection
-Get Sponsor

Lool. I fixed stuff, but then I added more stuff.... T-T
Well, hopefully I finish this by tomorrow.
By the way, I need jokes for my NPC to say.
He is Shane(The gray haired guy who wears a blue police officer-like uniform)

To Do List

-Change Mouse
-Get Sponsor
-Enable Potting
-Add custom controls
-Add Arcade mode for downloadable version
-Add revive function
-Make character be on the ground before attacking
-Make bar blink when health is too low
-Make Balrog follow when aggrivated

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Attacks :)

A huge update!

A bunch of attacks:
Magic Guard
Energy Bolt
Fire Arrow

I am close to releasing! Maybe in 3-4 days. I need to find a sponsor after I finish.


In this simulator, if you stand still for 10 seconds, you heal 10 hp, just like in maple!

Magic Bolt
Jr Balrog can die!


Another update! And this time, their is sound!

All of Jr Rog attack Sounds
Magic Claw Sound
Magic Guard Sound
You can die!
Die Sound

Coming up:
Jr Rog dieing
More skills, attacks

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Jr Balrog Update~!

I got alot done!!!!!!!

HP Bar
MP Bar
Balrog HP Bar
Bars tween to place
Magic Guard
Magic Claw
Status Bar always is on top

To Do:
More Passive Skills
More Attacks
Character able to Die
Jr Balrog Able to Die


Bad news! I cannot finish Zakum. A virus totally deleted my hard drive and operating system! But my beta tester had the latest version with him. So here it is:


I have added a new function which lets me add passive skills(the ones that create an icon on the top right) very easily! So expect to see alot of those. ^^

Jr. Balrog Updates!

You blink when hurt
You get knocked back

Coming Up:
'Breathing' when hurt

The blog is back!

I am back with my blog. :)

Some Jr. Rog updates:
All attacks hurt
Range check for attacks
Character Damage
Monster Damage

Coming up:
Character being able to attack

I need some help from the community!
How much HP/MP would a 7X mage have?