Which is better

Saturday, May 31, 2008

[Update] Maps!

Total there are 6 maps... You can examine objects too. And the labratory is done. I only have 1 more house to do, before I start on the cutscene.
And I removed the demo, because I decided that if everything in my game was viewable b4 the game was released, then it wouldn't be that anticipated.


retep998 said...

i understand why you removed the demo now
but can i at least be your official beta tester?
i've been watching your progress on your games for the longest time.
I can also help you with hacker protection by testing it to make sure its secure by attempting to hack your games

Anonymous said...

retep shut up. He already adressed this. He has a beta-tester, so leave him alone.

retep998 said...

his beta tester is chris right?
i was only trying to help him.
also couldn't you be more polite in telling me to shut up?