Which is better

Monday, June 30, 2008

Public Beta 1

Play at My Site

From NMP:
Cris(NoManchesPuto) here. As I have read there were some people complaining on the index.php and guestbook. I will like to say that i was working on them at that point. Everything is working smooth now and i finished the counter. BTW the only requirement for beta testing is visiting his blog, since future demos will have a password you can only find here. Also for guestbook, avoid making any reply replys such as "nice" or "good job" or anything along these lines. Thanks.


retep998 said...

the feedback system still doesn't work so here is my guide on collisions properly:

Hello drkgodz,
This is my guide on doing collisions the maplestory way.
When you extract the maplestory data notice how tiles have foothold data for them? Those are maplestorys surfaces. Make a new object called foothold and when you create it set its relative x and y for its 2 points according to the maplestory data. Give the foothold a sprite of a single pixel. Now set its angle to the direction from the first point to the second and scale the sprite along the x axis or whatever works to the distance between the 2 points. This is your foothold.
Next for the character. Use a step based movement system. First add gravity acceleration etc. Then calculate how far the character will go and look along that path for any collision with footholds. If so first check if the characetrs direction is within 90 degrees in either direction of the footholds angle. if it is move the character right up to it and calculate the fraction for how far the character is along that path. then set the characters direction parallel to the foothold in either direction depending on which was closer to the characters original direction. Now subtract the difference between the characters old direction and new direction. subtract that from 90 and then divide that by 90 and then multiply that by your characters old speed to get his new speed. then using the fraction you obtained before, subtract it from one to get the remaining fraction and multiply it by his speed and move him again this partial distance and check for collisions once more. continue this untill the character no longer collides with anything. continue with other stuff and then go on to next step and repeat entire movement procedure again etc.

I hope this is not too long for you.

Anonymous said...

summary plox =p

Anonymous said...

Drkgodz i am ur fan but when i go to this page this is wat will happen Not Found
The requested URL /DStory/
was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at drkgodz.squadcoding.com Port 80 pls reply ASAP

retep998 said...

if you looked at the url and saw the url encoding in it then you could decode it and see whats wrong and hence edit the url properly and go there like i did.

retep998 said...

whoa draco!
i just found the login page to your websites control panel!
don't worry i won't tell anyone how to get there...
and neither will i do anything to your website if i figure out the username and password.

Drkgodz said...

retep that shit was too long but thanks for trying i guess =/

And I already know how to make uphill platforms, but i am too lazy to spend the extra time to convert it to AS3 and make maps(cuz it is harder).

retep998 said...

in my last post I said:
Whoa Draco!
I means to say:
Whoa Drkgodz!
Draco is someone else and I sometimes get the names confused.

retep998 said...

I'm learning actionscript 3.0 and it isn't that hard. I allready figured out how it works and made things that bounce around!
Soon I'll be able to help you make the game drkgodz!

Drkgodz said...

Retep, show me something awesome and I'll give you the source code.

retep998 said...

Right now I'm working on 2 things:
an isometric mmorpg using game maker (I'll post a demo somewhere soon, but I allready have chat and movement and banning and stuff working) and also a drop down navigation using flash for the website for that game. I'll psot a link to that when its done.

Anonymous said...

retep, stop reposting. =(

Anonymous said...

yup, stop reposting. And besides i dont think i can trust a HACKER with my username and password and other things.

nomanchesputo said...

rofl who the fuck said you had to suscribe to play the game? Retard gtfo. We don't even play maple..

retep998 said...

I am posting here because i don't have any info to contact drkgodz.
I am an ethical hacker who hacks to learn and doesn't do damage to peoples computers, and if i do damage someones computers its cuz they did something bad and i was hired for it.
Also i never said anything about subscribing to this game, and i am not a retard, I'm a 14 year old who goes to college.
I would suppose people who play maplestory simulators at least play maplestory.
I don't want arguments going on here so end of discussion. If want to hate on me feel free to do it somewhere else, not here.

tyreik said...

here drkgodz can i be a beta tester?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

im telling you to stop posting because you're showing off... >.>
anyway, its off topic

Bronze pwn1 said...

yeh thrue ppl should not just put like whoa nice or thing like that. your game should had more then a tiny comment like that.
great job i hope you will go far whit that later in your life =) you are on the good way to go :D

Anonymous said...

There's a glitch where when you die, and level back up to full hp, you don't recieve damage at all. But, you still recieve exp.